Real Estate Photography & Inspections
Pensacola · Perdido Key · Gulf Breeze · Navarre Beach
Aerial Photography
to the MLS, properties with drone images are up to 68% more likely to
sell than properties without them. When possible, up to 5 aerial
photographs are included with commercial and residential inspections;
additionally, we provide aerial imaging services.
Aerial Photos - from $125
· Includes 5 Edited Aerial Photos
· +$50 for 5 additional photos
Aerial Video - from $125
· +$50 for 5 Edited Aerial Photos
Aerial Inspections
permissible, we utilize drone aerial photography to inspect roofs,
construction sites and areas that would normally be inaccessible or
impractical - e.g. chimney caps, multiple-story structures, etc;
residential and commercial inspections include 2-5 aerial photos when
possible. Aerial inspections with incredible detail (20MP photos) are
available for HOA's, construction projects, condominiums, multi-story
buildings, etc.
Aerial Inspection - from $250 (up to 1 hour on-site)
· Up to 10 Edited Aerial Photos
Residential 4-Point Insurance Survey - from $250
· Up to 5 Edited Aerial Photos
Residential Inspection - from $325 / Condo from $250
· Up to 5 Edited Aerial Photos
Commercial Loss Control Survey - from $425
Commercial Inspection - from $495
· Up to 5 Edited Aerial Photos
* Add $75 for Aerial Video.
If you are interested in aerial photography, or have a related question, contact us anytime.
*The FAA, weather conditions, local regulations, current events and site obstacles may
restrict the use of drones.